Friday, July 29, 2011

I couldn't find how to post a video, and it still wouldn't post it after I tried to upload it. Is this okay, if I just upload the url for the Youtube video.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis of "Spread the Word to End the Word" Blog

Rhetorical Situations of my blog "Spreading the Word to End the Word."

The context of this blog is very simple, its persuading people to simply just stop using a very derogatory word the disrespects and continually make the struggle for people with mental and physical disabilities even harder to have a normal life. People really need to look at their abilities and not their disabilities. When they were originally introduced, the terms “mental retardation” or “mentally retarded” were medical terms with a specifically clinical connotation; however, the pejorative forms, “retard” and “retarded” have been used widely in today’s society to degrade and insult people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, when “retard” and “retarded” are used as synonyms for “dumb” or “stupid” by people without disabilities, it only reinforces painful stereotypes of people with intellectual disabilities being less valued members of humanity. 

The audience of this text, or blog isn't really defined as a specific audience as you could relate to in a normal rhetorical situation, but its directed and related to anybody that is uninformed or who blatantly use the r-word as a derogatory mark.

Below, is a little history of how all this campaign started, and in a rhetorical situation analysis this could be used as who is the writer, their background, what they are trying to write, and the social allegiances.

In response to Special Olympics athletes’ call for change, the Special Olympics International Board of Directors adopts a resolution to update the movement’s terminology from “mental retardation” to “intellectual disabilities.”

Special Olympics launches the website to combat the inappropriate use of the R-word in common usage.

August 14, 2008
Special Olympics, along with a coalition of national disability organizations, mobilizes a grass-roots campaign against "Tropic Thunder," a DreamWorks production. Special Olympics athletes joined protestors at demonstrations in Los Angeles, California, Washington D.C., New York City, Delaware, Massachusetts, Missouri and Texas. "Tropic Thunder," marketed as a satire about Hollywood actors and the movie industry in general, contains scenes promoting the idea that a "retard" is funny." ~ Retained from the website."

The writers(R-word campaigners) tone isn't to be being disrespectful of people not knowing the correct way to attribute an illness with somebody with a disability or even to people that unknowing use the r-word in a derogatory mark, but its more an an informative way to express knowledge to "any audience" that use the r-word. This is a strong movement in not allowing people to dehumanize people with verbal language of stupidity.

"Spread the Word to End the Word"

Week 7 Blog Assignment

" Spread the Word to End the Word"

When I first starting reading this blog assignment, and how it explained to me that I needed to pick a topic that seems timely and relatively important, only one thing popped into my mind, and that was my Journey of Hope experience. As you know, my sophomore year I rode a bicycle from San Francisco, California to Washington D.C. to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. This event is held through the philanthropy of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, which I am currently active in. I had to raise over 5,000 dollars to participate in this 67 day, 4,000 mile cross-country ride. Anyways, my blog isn't on the Journey of Hope but something relatively close to that, and that is the organization of "Spread the Word to End the Word."

"Spread the Word to End the Word," is an organization that was started by three young girls to spread awareness on using the R-word in an derogatory manner, which is constantly used my many different generations. The R-word, “retard,” is slang for the term mental retardation. Mental retardation was what doctors, psychologists, and other professionals used to describe people with significant intellectual impairment. Today the r-word has become a common word used by society as an insult for someone or something stupid. For example, you might hear someone say, “That is so retarded” or “Don’t be such a retard.” When used in this way, the r-word can apply to anyone or anything, and is not specific to someone with a disability. But, even when the r-word is not said to harm someone with a disability, it is hurtful.Because of this, Special Olympics and the greater disability community prefers to focus on people and their gifts and accomplishments, and to dispel negative attitudes and stereotypes. As language has evolved, Special Olympics has updated its official terminology to use standard, people-first language that is more acceptable to our athletes.

"I pledge that we can not be angry at anyone who uses the r-word and gets away with it. We are all human beings and we have to let things go even though it's really hard for us. We have to move on with our lives and to be ourselves by being proud of who we all are. Anger doesn't solve any of our problems or to get over with, it can cause some kinds of sickness, not letting us to have a good day at school and not being able to succeed in life. Anger only leads to harm. I use to be a victim of this problem and I was very upset and angry. Now I can't let people make me upset and angry. I support the the r-word movement." This was spoken by someone who supports "Spread the Word to End the Word" like I do, because before joining with PUSH America and The Journey of Hope, I was guilty of being ignorant and very disrespectful by saying the R-word.

I think many generations use this r-word in a very derogatory manner, and they don't know that it is wrong. My generations and the generations older than me are the main contributors of this horrible word, and we are the ones that need to educate younger generations of not using the r-word, and to be more aware and respectful on people with physical and mental disabilities. The R-word, “retard,” is slang for the term mental retardation. Mental retardation was what doctors, psychologists, and other professionals used to describe people with significant intellectual impairment. Today the r-word has become a common word used by society as an insult for someone or something stupid. For example, you might hear someone say, “That is so retarded” or “Don’t be such a retard.” When used in this way, the r-word can apply to anyone or anything, and is not specific to someone with a disability. But, even when the r-word is not said to harm someone with a disability, it is hurtful.I hope this blog will bring awareness to a manner that needs to be addressed now.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Walt Disney World

Hi, in this week's blog our class was asked to find up to four resources that have openings in any particular career that excites, and that could for see a potential temporary or permanent job for us. In my early blogs self interest page, many people know that in the next couple years my dream employment would be with Walt Disney World. I truly believe that being accepted in any internship/job would be helpful and really nice to be able to place on a job resume. That is why I thought this blog would be somewhat interesting for me to write, because it allows me to elaborate more on the great opportunities that Walt Disney World has to offer.

I understand that we are suppose to choose from various resources that could offer us some type of employment. Within Walt Disney World, there are various different types of employment, from the college internships to corporate headquarters in Orlando, Florida to Walt Disney World, Paris France. I hope that you as a reader, will get an understanding of what Disney expects from its employers, and the opportunities to build a career/legacy within Walt Disney World.

My nearest goal that I want to accomplish that is considered as future employment would be the Walt Disney World Imagineer program that I will be interviewing this upcoming February. The requirements for this is as follows: Students must be currently enrolled and taking classes in an accredited college or university in the United States and have completed at least one semester.Students who have not yet graduated from high school but have dual enrollment with a college are not eligible to apply.Those who have taken college courses, but are currently taking "time off" from school are not eligible to apply.College Freshmen may apply during their first semester of school to participate during their second semester. The Disney College Program can not serve as your first semester of school.College Seniors may apply for the program and participate immediately after graduation, but must be enrolled in school at the time of their interview. Seniors graduating in April are eligible to apply for either the Fall Advantage or Fall programs. Graduate students may apply, however it is important to note that this program, and its educational components, are designed for undergraduates. Students also must meet any additional criteria their school requires for participation in our program. This may include G.P.A., grade level, and number of credit hours earned. Schools will be contacted to verify eligibility.

The Walt Disney Company has come a long way from the days of Steamboat Willie in 1928. But it is still true to its core mission of providing quality entertainment for people around the world. This is what they do, and they continue to do it better than anyone else does. So what does it mean to be part of the Disney team? Innovation! They follow a strong tradition of innovation. Quality! They strive to follow a high standard of excellence. They maintain high-quality standards across all product categories. Community! Walt Disney World create positive and inclusive ideas about families.They provide entertainment experiences for all generations to share.Storytelling! Every product tells a story. Timeless and engaging stories delight and inspire the careers of Walt Disney. Optimism! At The Walt Disney Company, entertainment is about hope, aspiration and positive resolutions. Decency! We honor and respect the trust people place in us. Walt Disney World's fun is about laughing at our experiences and ourselves.

As you can tell, Walt Disney World takes a lot of factors into their employees before they hire them. Disney world has an extremely productive motto and that is the most important person is the next person. I truly believe that I have what it takes to become a Disney Imagineer and even in a few years to be working on the corporate side of Disney. I do believe have the Innovation, Inspiration, Quality, Community, and Endurance to make Walt Disney World a better place than when I hope to arrive there. I am currently a Senior Tourism Management major, with plenty of classes to back up my knowledge of the Hospitality career, and to able to understand and correct any circumstances that arrive. I currently work at a couple hospitality establishments now that will be of great reference for when I establish an interviews. One thing that Disney is strong about is community. I have a lot of experience in developing community. In my sophomore year of college, I raise over 5,000 dollars for Push America, to be involved in The Journey of Hope. The Journey of Hope is a cross-country cycling event from San Francisco, California to Washington D.C. This was apart of Pi Kappa Phi's national philanthropy. I believe this establishes my endurances to makes something better out of myself, and the community around me. Also, I am an extremely hard worker, with the love of being around people and establishing relationships and connections with people, and that is what is needed in the world of Disney. Hopefully in the next year, I can gain even more qualities that Walt Disney World expects and needs from me as their future employee.

My sister-in-law is the general manager of a hotel in Key West, Florida and she gave me a book named "Be our Guest" by Walt Disney World's career institute. I got a lot of my information out of this book, but the following links below are links to many Disney jobs.

Student Internship:

Theme Parks:



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tourism Management Websites

In this week’s blog assignment, I was asked to make an observation of my major’s website on our school’s website and compare them to other school’s website of my major. As I stated in previous blogs, I am a tourism management major also known as a Hospitality Management major. This assignment was very interesting because it allowed me to view how other schools sold their tourism management programs, and to gather strengths and weakness of their website for my next project.
Step 1: Finding the Tourism Management’s major websites
The University of Southern Mississippi:
Strengths: Some of the strengths that The University of Southern Mississippi has achieved in its website is that is very easy and convient to access the webpage. The Tourism Management website is very informative and straight to the point to what the program will be available to offer.
Weakness: The website is very bland, and is not visually attractive. It is a simple production of a website and lack excitement, especially being a tourism website. I think their needs to be some sort of an attention getter.
Florida International University:
Strengths: This is by far the most impressive tourism management website that I came across in my research. The first thing that caught my attention was how well the Department of Hospitality at The Florida International University was the structure of the website. It was very creative and well informative. It had some many choices to choose from, and it wasn’t all on one page like The University of Southern Mississippi’s Hospitality Program. There were many links to alumni, different courses, study abroad, tours of building, and etc. I think that anytime somebody can relate to something through pictures and sources, there is a more interesting feeling that person can receive.
Weakness: None
University of South Carolina:
Strengths: This is another example of a perfectly put together website. It has everything that should be presented to the reader about Tourism Management. This website resembles Florida International tourism management websites in providing several source information, pictures, links, and student profiles to broadcast as much of the Hospitality program as possible.
Weakness: After looking at the website some for awhile, I noticed links were running together, and after a view clicks I became very confused of where I was going and where I came from on the website.

University of Houston:
Strengths: This was in my opinion the worst website that I viewed during this research. The strengths are hard to introduce without noticing its weaknesses. There were only a few strengths and those were: Easy to find on Google, and easy to connect to. The information was very broad and not as informative as the previous websites.
Weakness: There was not a direct link to the website; I had to search for the Tourism Management department; there was no sense of excitement or effort accumulated into the website.

Step 2: Objectives Checklist
1. What am I writing: What my main purpose in writing a website for my Hospitality major is to sell the Hospitality field to somebody who may be interested in joining the Hospitality field, or to spark an interest in the reader to even change or make their major into the Hospitality Industry.
2. What prompts you to write? The love and excitement that I receive from just being in the Hospitality Industry makes me want to express that excitement and energy to people who are not familiar with it and to be able to establish them with a relationship within the Hospitality field.
3. What outcomes do you desire? I kind of answered them in the question above, but I want to establish a connection with the reader about Hospitality and the excitement that is will provide through incredible opportunities, and more to inform and educate readers of what exactly Hospitality majors do and will do in the future.
4. What outcomes does your reader desire? I would assume their main desire is a more adequate amount of information about a desired topic in the Hospitality industry.

5. Who is your primary reader? Students, Teachers, Professionals, Parents.

6. What is your reader’s relationship to you? Somebody who is looking for knowledge about a certain topic or subject within my major, and I am almost like a stepping stone for them to receive the proper information about Hospitality.

7. What are your reader’s job titles and responsibilities? I assume I wouldn’t know the job titles of somebody who would be looking at my website but as a responsibility of them is if they have any questions or comments about the webpage to contact the establisher of the website and present them with those questions or comments. Also another idea about the job titles, is if professionals in the Hospitality field are looking for employment this could be a responsibility for them to contact the establishment for hiring or interviews.

8. How familiar is the reader with your specialty or subject? This could vary so much, because I could have first time readers about Hospitality looking for more information about the major. Then I could have readers like myself doing research on others schools and companies tourism websites looking for jobs, information, or etc.

9. Does your reader have any communication preferences you should take into account? In being in the Hospitality industry, it basically means a people’s industry and anybody that works in it has to be able to communicate in the best preference of its clients and that includes disabilities, translations, and etc.

10. Should you take into account other things about your reader when writing? I think the main thing to take into account is that the reader knows nothing about my major. I need to be as specific and state everything I can to the reader.

Step 3: The main thing that I learned is to have fun with the website but also be very professional at the same time. If you want to get more out of the cliental that visits the website, then put more into the website. The website needs to be very informative, have plenty of pictures and videos, and easy to conduct research within the website. There should be a clean production of the website and nothing should run onto each other or state any confusion.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 2 Blog

In one of my recent major classes, Tourism Management 368, we learned mainly about service quality management. In the class, we were presented with a PDF file, that within it held a long paper on the effects of service quality management among e-services. E-services are the future in hospitality management, with regards to everything being electronic. In the following paragraph I will give a brief summary of what the paper was about.

A characteristic of today’ society is the increasing use of modern information and communication technologies in all areas. Computer applications, called e-services, are being developed to provide efficient access to services, electronically. Quality management systems are needed to provide a consistent way to select, evaluate, prioritize and plan the right e-services. The increasing use of e-services has raised the need to define standards and means to assess and assure quality. Investment in e-services is an important step to improve the quality of life in our dynamic society. In the last years, alternative ways to the traditional service providing has been introduced, taking advantage of the latest advances in information and communication technologies: e-government or long distance education for those students that time and location don’t allow them to attend traditional classes, multimedia centers and virtual libraries for those looking to enrich their culture knowledge on demand, remote working that allows employees to perform their task from home. It’s not news anymore that the Internet and the advanced technology has influenced the way in which we perform our daily tasks, the way we live, shop, learn, and communicate. The alternatives to the traditional service providing, offer flexibility, speed and innovation.
Usability is one of the main issues that have to be addressed with the introduction of electronic services. Usability is an issue due to individuals’ diversity and the need to operate a computer to access electronic services. Quality management concepts and terms and their definitions and descriptions define the quality management framework.

Context- The main context that the writer(s) seem to be discussing is the importance of usability and construction of e-services and the effect that electronic services have on our day to day operations from something as simple as renting a movie to transactions of booking a trip to Disney World. Issues that this topic raises is it worth to pretty much be through with physical manual labor from people, and to incorporate more electronic services that would be riding jobs from people. The major controversy is the unemployment rate that already exists in the America, and our country is on top of the list in converting more jobs to an electronic way causing more unemployment among our nation.

The writers are:

Lorena Batagan: PhD, Lecturer, Department of Economic Informatics, University of Economics, Bucharest, Romania

Adrian Pocovnicu: PhD candidate, ISA Consulting, USA

Sergiu Capisizu: PhD, Association for Development through Science and Education, Bucharest, Romania

In my opinion, I believe that the publication of this paper was intended to inform associates in a professional workplace to inhabit more electronic service within a private company. This paper is well-written and very informative and the publication is from The Journal of Applied Qualitative Methods, which means it was used furthermore for informing students about e-services, which was used in my Hospitality classes. The call to write this is simply to inform people and fellow associates about the importance and significance that e-services play in providing a more accurate, sophisticated, and reliable way to achieve proper, quality service management and ideals of a business regarding anything that eases the usability of a business. I do believe there is a sense of urgency, because I feel that basically the authors are saying, if you don’t convert to a more sophisticated way then your business will be left in the dust.

I believe the writers intended audience is anyone that is none responsive to the generation gap between manual and electronic services among a business setting. I think the relationship that the authors are stating is simply an informative and educating relationship with a persuasive tone among electronic services in the writer’s language.

My evaluation of this qualitative process to analyze the degree among e-services in service quality management, met the requirements it was intended was fulfilled. The measures and measurement in this quantitative paper truly met the quality of defining and calculating enough information to prove and inform the metrics to enable quantification in the quality management process of e-services.

Week 1 Blog

Hi, my name is Jonathan Robinson and I am a senior Tourism Management major with an emphasis in Casino and Hotel Management at The University of Southern Mississippi. I am a member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, where it has molded me into the person that I am today. My future plans after graduating college next May is to hopefully become a Disney Imaginer, and jump aboard as an internship with them for next fall. One interesting fact about me, is that my sophomore year, I rode a bicycle across from San Francisco, California to Washington D.C.,  to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. This was through my fraternity’s philanthropy Push America.

While in college, I have taken three English courses so far, and they are the following: English 101, 102, and 203. While I have been a Tourism Management major and especially an emphasis in Casino Management major I have had to write a lot of scenarios, analysis, and discussion style papers incorporating professional analysis to certain situations such as: Marketing analysis, Food and Beverage Analysis, Human Resource Analysis, and etc.

I really enjoy creative writing, and expressing myself through different styles of writing, and I really have enjoyed writing my professional style papers, because it is incorporating what I will be doing in the future, and is preparing in correct the way of writing these analysis.

I don’t believe that I have ever had writing break down for me in a severe situation, but I can see where writing could break down for a person if they do not know the proper techniques of styles of writing before they attempt a certain situation where the importance of the writing at particular time is a must. For instance, in my analysis if the professional of a Food and Beverage Director does not know how to write to explain or inform a CEO of a casino the daily profit and loss of the company, it could fail him and result in the Food and Beverage director losing his job. Basically, I think writing fails because a lot of people are scared to write or loss interest in learning the proper techniques and styles of writing and that is where it can fail people.

Last but not least, the one main thing that I hope to learn in this class it to further my learning and ability to a more professional style of writing.